If you have already created a blog or e-portfolio that is, to some extent, meaningful or useful to you, please try to stick at building it and treat it carefully as your puppy. You could not estimate the losses if your blog or e-portfolio was lost one day without being informed? Here are my lessons.
More than three years ago, when I began to work for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, I created my first blog in order to record my life stories, work experience and everyday feelings, as I assume there must be only this opportunity—the unique one experience in my lifetime to be the paid staff for the World Olympic Games. I regarded as a treasure for myself. When it was over two years ago, I made a decision that somewhat shocked all my friends–stop pursuing my career in China but further my graduate study in Canada. Only my family and I were well-aware how big this decision changes my life. Since then, for some reasons, I seldom build my blog or add any new posts on it during the past two years. Unfortunately, there is a technological issue that if the blog owner did not access to it for a consecutive two years, the blog would be lost and disappear automatically. I did not know it at all! No matter how I was annoyed, I was not able to change the reality--- lost it forever!
Another similar lesson happened to me this June. All of the three courses materials suddenly missed in my Blackboard one day. I even had not have enough time to forward them into my other folders, as I have no idea that there is only one-year validity for the course shown in Blackboard until then I asked the IT support for a help. Once again, I lost my recorded learning history. I took it for granted that I could keep it until the last day when I finish the graduate program.
Now, it’s time for me to take actions to do the makeup. Thanks to Michele’s assignment of blog construction in this course. Thanks to this blog, as it helps me improve my learning outcome, giving me more spaces for meditation and spurring me on to greater effort. There are few things in the world that I was forced to do but I am really willing to do. This is one of them.
Here is my specific portfolio for EDER679.27. I welcome all the audiences who are also interested in the field of Educational Technology to the blog, commenting on it, giving suggestions and conducting more exploration on it together. Especially for myself, I am hoping the blog can record my learning process of the understanding of the approach and practice of user-centered design. Also, I am trying to package all the scattered websites and links that I have created for the courses I’ve taken into this blog, which allows me to have chances to review them, find the correlation among them and furthermore to develop my understanding on educational field. Hopefully, in 20 or 30 years, when I recalled my days of MEd, I could still get back the fresh memories from the blog.